Minimum Firmware:
Please ensure that your APs are updated to firmware 2.0g or higher,
and switches are updated to 2.1c or higher. If you would like to update them without
requiring setup into, simply hold down the reset button for five seconds
while powering on the device, then release, and wait 1 minute for APs, and 3 minutes for
Ensure that the device has an ethernet connection with Internet access prior to
Keep in mind that there are many variations of how an LXD/Docker image and network
can be deployed, and that these instructions will not cover all use cases. Comments
in purple indicate running commands from a shell. Anything highlighted in purple
bold will likely be different in your setup.
• Two architectures are supported: amd64 (i.e. x86) and arm64. Replace amd64 with arm64
below if you are running the controller on an arm64 host.
• Minimum System requirements: 2 GHz processor with 2 GB RAM and 8 GB storage.
Docker: altalabs/control:1.0d-amd64
1. docker pull altalabs/control:1.0d-amd64
2. Set up macvlan in order for the controller to set devices on the LAN (substitute with
your own subnet, desired controller IP, and gateway):
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet=
--ip-range= --gateway= -o
parent=eth0 control_net
3. Start the container:
docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --cgroupns host
--add-host --net=control_net
--restart=unless-stopped -v /sys/fs/cgroup/access.scope:/sys/
fs/cgroup:rw --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock --name control
(Please leave the IP address as is)
4. Detach from the container (CTRL-P, CTRL-Q), then start a shell in the container:
A: docker exec -it control bash
B: ip a (to get the IP address)
5. Go to the IP address of the controller, and use your product activation code to register.
6. After you’ve clicked on the link in the email, your browser should automatically redirect
to the new dynamic DNS URL.
7. Once you see the login screen on your new controller, create an account, validate it, and
then use the controller as normal. Please let us know if you have any issues or questions!
If you don’t bridge/macvlan the container to your LAN, it will not automatically detect and
set up APs. You will need to go to the web server of the unconfigured AP, and set the URL
to match your controller’s hostname (including https://).
If you’d like to import the image into Hyper-V, ESXI, or any other virtualization host, the raw
root filesystems can also be found at:
Docker issues
At present, the docker container is architected like a traditional Linux system using apt
for package maintenance. This means (with the --restart=unless-stopped option) that
configuration and device management will persist through host and container reboots, but
not through container restarts and docker image updates. We are working to improve this.
Common Issues
If you get an error like:
Docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path
‘/sys/fs/cgroup/access.scope’..., then your kernel or distribution may be older, and
may not have cgroups v2 enabled. To enable it, add this to your kernel command line:
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