Alta Help Center

LED Patterns for Control Appliance

Matt Baer
Matt Baer

Normal Boot

  1. Pulsing/breathing Purple LED while booting
  2. LED turns solid white, or to the configured color in the controller


Factory Reset

  1. After device has booted, user holds reset button down for more than 5 seconds
  2. LED blinks green to indicate the beginning of the process
  3. LED transitions to turquoise, downloads latest firmware, and resets its configuration. Note that the firmware can be 450+ MB.
  4. After configuration is reset, device will be available via Bluetooth on the mobile app, or via its IP address as provided by DHCP
  5. LED is solid white


Automatic Firmware Recovery (Power-On-Reset or “POR”)

Generally, a POR won’t be necessary unless instructed by our support team.

Please note that this process also places the device in a factory default state and will require management again

  1. Device is unplugged
  2. User presses and holds reset button
  3. Device is plugged in
  4. User continues to hold reset button until white turquoise Alta Logo illuminates and starts to breathe between turquoise and white
  5. User releases the reset button
  6. Turquoise LED stays solid for a few seconds
  7. Due to the size of the controller software (450+ MB), please wait at least 5 minutes
  8. Use your router’s client table and/or DHCP table to locate the IP address assigned to the hostname “Control”.
  9. Type the IP address in to your address bar to access the initial Control interface

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