Alta Help Center

LED Patterns for Route10

Matt Baer
Matt Baer
  • Updated

Normal Boot

  1. Blue LED turns solid for a few seconds
  2. Blue LED blinks for approximately 20 seconds
  3. White LED turns solid*

NOTE: Login at and ensure that the Route10 is connected. If you forget this step, you may see a red blinking LED pattern to indicate that you need to login to the management interface and click the purple Setup button.


Factory Reset

  1. After device has booted, user holds reset button down for more than 5 seconds
  2. LED blinks white, and resets its configuration
  3. After configuration is reset, device will boot normally, and be ready for Set Up into a controller


Automatic Firmware Recovery (Power-On-Reset or “POR”)

Generally, a POR won’t be necessary unless instructed by our support team.

Please note that this process also places the device in a factory default state and will require management again in either the Cloud or Local Controller, depending on your configuration

  1. Device is unplugged
  2. User presses and holds reset button
  3. Device is plugged in
  4. User continues to hold reset button until white LED turns on
  5. User releases the reset button
  6. White LED stays solid for a few seconds
    • If you encounter a red flashing LED, this indicates that the Route10 does not have a valid path to the internet. Possible causes include, but are not limited to:
        1. Improper physical connection to a modem/the internet
        2. Non-DHCP internet connection
        3. Multiple devices plugged into the modem, restricting the Route10’s ability to obtain an IP address from the ISP
        4. The ISP may require a MAC address registration
          • If you're unsure of the MAC address and need to register it with your ISP, please consult this article
    • If you’ve rectified the potential causes and continue to have issues, please contact Alta Labs technical support
  7. White LED blinks throughout recovery process:
    1. Obtains IP address via DHCP
    2. Synchronizes time via NTP
    3. Downloads firmware from Alta’s servers
    4. Installs recent authorized firmware for device (not always the very latest)
  8. Device will reboot to a normal boot
  9. If the upgrade fails, white LED will blink 3 times repeatedly. If this occurs, please ensure that the connected network has a valid Internet connection and attempt automatic firmware recovery again. If the issue persists, please contact support.


* - The resulting color is dependent upon the configuration of the site. For example, you can have the AP LED be blue, white, or off in the configuration. Default color is white.

Set Up Reminder

For your convenience and security, the Route10’s LED will flash red if it is left in a default state for 30 minutes or longer.  If your Route10 is left default, anyone connected to it can manage it which introduces a plethora of security concerns; the severity of which is subjective. For optimal performance, security, and to get the latest updates, we recommend you set up your Route10 as quickly as possible after connecting it to the internet.

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