Alta Help Center

What Do The Triangles Mean In The RF Scan?

Matt Baer
Matt Baer
  • Updated

When using the RF scan, you will notice the channel box will be filled with orange, with a triangle on either side.


What The Triangles Mean

  • The purple triangle on the right represents the number of interferers on that channel 
  • The blue triangle on the left represents the signal strength of the top interferer on that channel.

If you need to get a more in depth look at the channel interferers, you can hover over the channel and the details will be in writing at the top of the screen.

If you would like to "pin" that channel's data temporarily, simply click on the channel. To "unpin" that data, click it again or click another channel to pin its data.

Alta Labs implemented the triangles as a helpful visual tool to provide you with all the information you need for each channel at a glance when RF planning.

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